Sydney: Day 6 - Bondi and barbecue
Sydney: Day 5 - Blue Mountains
Sydney: Day 4 - Palm Beach / The Basin
Wednesday we headed north up the coast, to Palm Beach Peninsula. Okay this map is pretty useless at this size but Sydney Harbour is where the inlet is at the bottom of the map, and we just drove straight up into that white peninsula.
We bought a ticket for the ferry to The Basin (where I put the red dot)
and hung out on the beach until it was time to board. More Tasman Sea :)
The docks at the Basin
This place was FULL of wallabies. Good call Dave!!! First marsupials I have seen ... not counting a dead roo :( en route to Narrogin :S
Hard to see this small, but there is a little joey face peeking out of mama's pouch!
Did a little pissing off of the local wildlife, Irwin-style. These birds are ground nesters and they get pretty agro if you walk toward them - I don't even know where the nest was. This is a screen shot from a video, right before it rushed me. Apparently they can do some pretty good damage with hard knuckles on the front edge of their wings. It missed me!
The Basin is a nice little tidal lagoon. It's a hangout for little stingrays - Dave looked but didn't find any that day. We could see prints on the bottom, where they'd hidden in the sand though.
All in all a relaxing day, watching the critters, eating, hangin out in the sun, yakkin. We caught the ferry back to the Palm Beach peninsula when the sun went behind the hill, and headed south to the city again.
Sydney: Day 3 - The Harbour
Sydney: Day 3 - The Rocks
Sydney: Day 2 - Royal National Park
It was Monday. Nicole had to go back to work. Dave and I headed back down to Royal National Park with big plans. We stopped at the info centre for a map and a snack. Cockatiels hang around snack bars here, I guess, instead of squirrels or seagulls!
So ya, big plans. We would start from Wattamolla and head south to Curracurrang and back before lunch. Then up to Marley and back after.
That was before we really appreciated how meaningless the word "trail" can be, and how much worse you can make it by intentionally going rock climbing out to the breakers and trying to ad lib it back again through the bush. Remind me to get my hands on a GPS! At least the rocks were cool:
Another nice view of the Tasman...
See the bay there, in the shot below? And all that scrubby bush above the rocks on the far side? The stuff that looks all flat but is actually dense eye-level spiny shrubs? So, yea, we know that part of the world pretty well now :S lol!
We made it back to the van, had some lunch, bailed on Marley, and headed home to meet Nicole and get some dinner. Whew!